If you are anything like me, you’ve been forced inside due to the unwavering chill in the air. It’s cold, damp, and the sun doesn’t shine nearly as often or grace me with the warmth that it once did. So, I sit, and I wait, for this lovely thing we all know as spring.
February is a month I look forward to all winter long. It’s the month that represents abundance in the making. Every February, I pull out my long-missed garden seeds, spread them about my table, coffee in hand, and I plan. I think about what tomatoes I’ll be growing, flowers I’ve had my eye on, herbs that will be used for cooking, and the lists continue.

Spring Garden
Spring awaits us all; gardens are waiting to be planted, hands are longing to be stroked by the crisp soil, and we all wait in anticipation of the hope and abundance our spring gardens will bring forth. Whether we are engulfed with the desire to connect to our community, grow food for our family and friends, or want to connect on a deeper level, spring is near… and so is the garden.
I encourage you to grow a garden. It brings joy, perspective and hard work. You learn lessons about the value of planting a seed and sowing hope for the future. Spring is yearning for us to come closer, take a step, and breathe it in.
Now, you may be reading this and feel overwhelmed with where to start? How to start? Don’t be afraid to start a garden; start.

You can buy seeds or transplants at a local nursery, build a few raised beds, or start growing in small containers. If you are new to this adventure, an easy way to get started is to plant a seed in quality soil (Fox Farm is a great brand I like) in a terra cotta pot.
Have confidence that though it may be new, it will be a wild ride that captures your heart and woos you to the garden with vast anticipation. Witnessing the first seedlings sprout from the soil will rejuvenate your spirit after a long cold winter. I speak from experience. The thrill of seedlings springing forth is an exhilarating feeling that never gets old.
First Steps
What are the first steps, you ask? Dream. Grab your pen and notebook and let your wildest dreams come alive. Think of the endless possibilities and bounty that are just waiting for you to plant in your garden. Then, start! And view your budding garden with a lens of love and acceptance, with room for growth and triumph. Accept the victories as they come and breakthrough trials that arise.
I can assure you that the first tomato you harvest will certainly taste sweeter.
Dear gardener in the making, I’m rooting for you. -Jill